Submitted by sam on Thu, 09/14/2006 - 16:08.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I would party in Bibiki Bay, and I liked it. Amazingly high EXP chains off of mobs that tended to be soft and squishy. Our only real concerns were links and the occasional BLM fuck-up that resulted in an Eft or rabbit killing us because he was AoE'd.
Not everyone went to Bibiki Bay, and indeed, since it was a CoP area there were many alternatives people could choose. However, for someone like myself who was sick of Onzozo and disliked Sky, Bibiki Bay was a breath of fresh air.
All the "good" parties went to Bibiki Bay, because there were so many possible camps and so many possible mobs. If you ever got a non-Bibiki Bay party at that time it was typically because some tool in your party didn't have CoP. And the non-Bibiki Bay parties usually sucked. You'd get people who didn't know their jobs, didn't know how to move without aggro, and people who you knew were going to get you killed.
In short, Bibiki Bay was the place to party 65-70 (ish).
Then we were introduced to ToAU. In ToAU we got a whole lot of new ways to gain EXP.
For one, we had lots of intriguing new enemies like Marids, Puks, and Imps. For another, we got handy-dandy EXP bonuses when the Astral Candescense was in Al Zahbi. Additionally, we had great mods like food duration extensions and MP Refresh (the lengths of which were dependent on your Al Zahbi rank).
Finally, the ToAU areas were vast and filled with logically placed mobs. The further you move away from zones (or toward other zones), the harder the enemies became. But unlike other zones, the enemies raised fairly uniformly in difficulty. This took much of the guesswork over what a party can and cannot take out of the levelling experience. No more "target the flies, but avoid the pugs and gobs because they will kill us", now we know we can target almost anything around the mobs we know we can fight (there are exceptions, of course. If the Dark Rider spawns, you probably don't want your EXP party to try and take him down, for example.)
Soon, everyone and their dog was leveling their 55+ jobs in the ToAU areas. Staging Points made moving to your camps easier, and the EXP bonuses coupled with the squishiness of many mobs meant that you could gain mad, insane EXP. 10k/hour EXP was common and became the new standard everyone adhered to.
Unfortunately, many people still don't have the ToAU expansion pack. Others have it but haven't bothered to learn much about it. The result is that many people still insist on partying in older areas like Bibiki Bay. This, in and of itself, shouldn't be a problem.... But it is.
The reason it's a problem is that the chodes that didn't have CoP back when everyone went to Bibiki Bay are the same chodes who don't level in ToAU areas today. This means the same level of suckiness and idiocy you found outside of Bibiki Bay pre-ToAU can now be found, almost exclusively, inside of Bibiki Bay post-ToAU.
Since ToAU came out I've had a good dozen parties in Bibiki Bay. Every, single one has sucked. And I don't mean sucked as in it's only getting 6k and hour and can't compete with the EXP bonuses of ToAU areas... I mean sucked as in I've died countless times and the parties go dog-fucking-slow due to fuck-ups.
It seems post-ToAU only the most idiotic, stupid fuckers still party in Bibiki Bay. Idiot BLMs who over-nuke and wonder why the tank can't hold hate. Fucktard pullers who go AFK. People who target the wrong mobs for the party layout they have. And people who fight mobs too high or too low for their level. GAH.
Anyway, last night I was in a party in Bibiki Bay with Unst that was really the last straw. In 2 hours of play, I had gained 3.5k of EXP, died 4 times, and wasted 4 Sole Sushis and dozens of Ninjitsu tools.
Next time I level, I'm going to be one of the fucking assholes who refuse to party with idiots, and I'm going to stick the following in my /search comment:
{Bikiki Bay} {No thanks}
Bibiki Bay as a COR
When I came through as RNG I enjoyed it, but ya, since toa no one who I want to play with go to Bibiki Bay.
Since I'm considered a refresher i accually turn down bibiki bay parties now. not very nice but i relly don't have enough time in the game to waste on bad parties.

ive had a number of parties at bibiki bay and most of them like maior said, sucked. but in my case i told the leaders that we need to move down more or to harder mobs and like 3/4 times they said no because they didnt want to die, even though i was there a day earlier makeing 3 times the amount of exp we were making at the time.i had even checked their ranks to be high as 10 and also claimed to have other jobs lvld to 75 too. also moving camp because of one little blm -aga spell seemed to happen a lot to me too. unfortunatly i stayed with these parties because they were the only invites i was getting. idk is it me or have people gotten dumber?
If AFK bothers you then you don't want to ever, ever, play Guild Wars, Maior! LOL!
Folks drop in the middle of Missions to go eat dinner (unannounced sometimes). Then there are the leechers - folks who say they want to go on a Mission but just hang around inside the zone (Instance). In Guild Wars you cannot boot someone from your party inside of the Instance (I kid you not) so if you have a leecher you have to decide if you want to abort.
It is an interesting mindset, the fact you have to shrug when someone is being an idiot. Fortunately the only three hour Missions are towards End Game, and are not really a part of the story.
The Deep
Urgoz's Warren
I would not mind playing Elite GW Missions with Clan Members, but a Pick-Up Group? No way! LOL!