Submitted by raprot on Mon, 09/06/2004 - 10:05.
Beginning the Craft:
Clothcraft if my favorite of all crafts. Sickles go for
reasonable prices from Windy NPCs and they rarely break. This is
much unlike mining where pickaxes can break every other strike.
In my experience, each one of my sickles has lasted at least a week and
about 25 swings. I have never worn any special garments for
harvesting. Either I have been lucky or harvesting is just so
rare that there is no need to hinder would-be 'flee' users from
stalking. In fact, I have never once seen another person harvest
during my evening strolls of West Saru. I am always the only person
This could be a happy change from the nuisance and aggravation caused
by fighting for logging points in Ghelsba and East Ronf. Beyond
that, clothcrafting can make great armor for low levels. Between
crafting levels 1-10 you can make armor primarily for levels 12 and
under. This can assist a new player just as much as someone
needing low level armor for a new job. Otherwise you can sell it for a decent amount of money. Over two weeks I made 50k gil just
crafting. This isn't much, and it certainly isn't fast, but for a
person with only a couple thousand gil to their name, it's money in
your pocket.
Where To Harvest:
Begin by purchasing 3-4 sickles. These should last you a
while. They can be purchased from Ensasa's Catalyst Shop (H-6) on
the way out of Windurst Waters
into West
Sarutabaruta. Once in Saru, head north along the path to the
Outpost (H-6). All harvesting paths begin here.
- The first runs south along the western raised ridge of the valley
- The second is right along the path running west from the outpost
- The third and final area is on the ridge running parallel to the
path along the north side (enter from SW corner of G-5).
These three areas rotate their 'Harvesting Points'. Once you
harvest all points in one area move onto the next. They will just
keep moving as long as you continue to harvest. Pairing up with
someone and taking opposite ridges facilitates quicker harvesting and
less time out in the field.
Items Harvested:
- Fresh Mugwort
: These are very rarely harvested items. Therefore they
sell for a lot of money at the AH. Not only that but higher level
tradskill cooks use them to move up to level 100. Every mugwort I
have obtained has sold for 5k gil.
- Fresh
Marjoram : Unfortunately you will harvest a lot of
these. They sell for extremely little and in my opinion are not
worth keeping. When I harvest them I drop them to open up space
in my inventory.
- Saruta Cotton
: Keep these for clothcrafting later or synth them in the field
id="rr">Cotton Thread.
- Moko Grass
: While in the field it is best to synth these with a lightening
crystal into grass thread every time you get two.
- Flax Flower
: Keep these and sell them at the AH. They sell for about
500g each. They won't be of any use to clothcrafting
until you are level 15.
- Wijnruit : Keep these and use them to make antidote (alchemy).
- Windurst Tea Leaves : Keep these and use them to make leather from animal skins (leather-crafting).
- Crawler
Cocoon : Keep these and sell them at the AH.
- Grain / Herb / Vegetable
Seeds : As long as you have room in your inventory, keep these
and plant them when you get home. Gardening is another trade that
can bring decent profit over a long period of time.
Items Stolen, Dropped or Purchased:
- Yagudo Bead
Necklace : These drop off of Yagudos. Keep a stack of
wind crystals to synth these into grass thread in the field. Each
necklace yields 3 grass threads vs. the one you get from two moko
grasses. This will be extremely important.
- Saruta Cotton
: Cotton is generally rare to harvest but important to most
clothcrafting recipes. Therefore it is sometimes necessary to
steal these from Mandragora.
They do not drop. They are also necessary for the Inspector's
Gadget! quest.
- Silk Thread
: These drop from Crawlers.
They sell for ~700g each. Over a long period of time it's
generally best to save up a stack and then sell them.
- Chocobo
Feather : These can be purchased from any Chocobo
stable. Once they're made into fletchings they're useful in
making Stone
Beginner's Recipe Book:
Synthing raw materials into thread and cloth are the easiest
ways to increase in craft level. Making armor and clothing out of
the raw materials rarely if ever increases craft level. In spite of that, crafting armor and clothing is the best way to make money from
the trade. Therefore I will post all possible recipes between 1
and 12 for clothcrafting. If you're like me you enjoy making
all different types of items and not the same things over and over
again just to skill quickly. Enjoy!
Grass Days:
style="text-align: left; width: 759px; height: 185px;">
Chocobo Fletching (2)
Yield: 6
* Wind Crystal
* Chocobo Feather x2
Grass Thread (3)
Yield: 1
* Lightning Crystal
* Moko Grass x2
(1) Yield: 3
* Wind Crystal
* Yagudo Bead Necklace x1
Grass Cloth (4)
Yield: 1
* Earth Crystal
* Grass Thread x3
Headgear (5)
Yield: 1
* Wind Crystal
* Grass Thread x1
* Grass Cloth x2
Gloves (6)
Yield: 1
* Earth Crystal
* Grass Thread x1
* Grass Cloth x2
* Saruta Cotton x2
Doublet (6)
Yield: 1
* Earth Crystal
* Grass Thread x1
* Grass Cloth x4
* Saruta Cotton x3 |
Gaiters (7)
Yield: 1
* Earth Crystal
* Grass Cloth x3
* Cotton Thread x1
Cape (8)
Yield: 1
* Earth Crystal
* Grass Cloth x2
* Grass Thread x1
Brais (9)
Yield: 1
* Earth Crystal
* Grass Thread x1
* Grass Cloth x2
* Sheep Leather x1
Cuffs (11)
Yield: 1
* Earth Crystal
* Flint Stone x2
* Cotton Thread x1
* Grass Cloth x1
* Cotton Cloth x1
Hachimaki (11)
Yield: 1
* Wind Crystal
* Grass Cloth x2