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WTF? what AoE???? a player spell? an AoE attack like circle blade????
all figure 2 does is re-iterate something we know about links... that curing the linker will not necasserly pull the mob onto you? it looks like in 3 he pulls out a weapon... these are too vegue to be any help what so ever.
Constant effect
Actually, I think it's a constant effect. As I recall you had to turn it on and off... e.g. /blockaid on.
Need to do a /? blockaid when I get home and see for certain...
Vis Maior's Journeys
go look
look at the problems the new patch created lmao...
apparently you become a dumb mage after learning a spell
a certain npc gives you a date rape drug
and npc's become cross dressing bricks SWEEEEEET