Submitted by raprot on Sat, 11/20/2004 - 00:46.
Alright, as Maior posted earlier, our final roster list is as such:
Meretrix, Drifter, Maior, & Kyler
That leaves us with one final position to fill. Maior is pushing for another meelee fighter which I probably agree with. Everyone will meet tomorrow (Saturday, Nov. 20th) in Jeuno. We'll look for a final member there.
Noon sounds like a good time, but I have no idea what time zone Kyler is in. There are 6 time zones in the US so I'm going to set it at 12pm EST. I'm sure I'll be able to get up for 10am, if I don't show up Maior would you please call me.
Any preferences to the contrary, please post them. Otherwise I will see all of you tomorrow.